Root, root, root, everybody always wants root. Developers, application administrators, users, they all seem to find a reason to "need" root access. Since normally these needs are for access to particular files or to perform very specific tasks, only a subset of root's access is actually needed. File access should be trivial enough, just configure the appropriate permissions or FACLs. For executable processes, traditionally 'sudo' or 'op' would come to mind. In Solaris, however, we could instead use RBAC and privileges, which are natively available. Our host details for this are: HOST: snorkle PROMPT: user@snorkle [0] OS: Solaris 10 10/09 USER: johnc ROLE: netrole For a sample setup, we have user 'johnc' from group 'neteng' who is tasked with managing the network interfaces and routes on a system. He will need access to 'ifconfig&
1: Create a user which you want to use for the ftp , Name of the user can be anything except "ftp" #useradd -d /export/home/mdn -m -s /bin/bash mdn #passwd mdn Enter the new password twice . 2: Run the "ftpconfig -d" command , on the home directory of newly created user. # ftpconfig –d /export/home/mdn this updates the existing directory with the info needed to make the account restricted. After this you can see some extra directories in /export/home/mdn e.g bin, dev, lib e.t.c 3: Add the user to the /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess file. There is an existing commented entry # guestuser username that can be uncommented and edited guestuser mdn 4: This entry should a already exist in in /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess class guestusers guest * 5: Run the command # in.ftpd -a to allow the use of ftpaccess file 6. Restart ftp service # svcadm restart network/ftp now when user "mdn" ftps to this server ftp Connected to . 220 solarisla