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Showing posts from February, 2016

Solaris. remove unusable scsi lun

Solaris remove unusable or failing scsi lun 1. The removed devices show up as drive not available in the output of the format command: # format Searching for disks...done ................      255. c1t50000974082CCD5Cd249 <drive not available>           /pci@3,700000/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50000974082ccd5c,f9 ................      529. c3t50000974082CCD58d249 <drive not available>           /pci@7,700000/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50000974082ccd58,f9 2. After the LUNs are unmapped Solaris displays the devices as either unusable or failing. # cfgadm -al -o show_SCSI_LUN | grep -i unusable # # cfgadm -al -o show_SCSI_LUN | grep -i failing c1::50000974082ccd5c,249       disk         connected    configured   failing c3::50000974082ccd58,249       disk         connected    configured   failing # 3. This will kick the device from failing to unusable. and also removes them from format o/p. # luxadm -e offline /dev/rdsk/c1t50000974082CCD5Cd249s0 # luxadm -e offline