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Remove unnecessary Solaris 10 packages

In most of the cases solaris10 uses in oracle database installations, and there is a lot of unnecessary software like gnome desktop, firerox, mail clients, ... etc.

Here is my version of removing unnecessary packages in solaris 10:

yes | pkgrm SUNWdtdem
yes | pkgrm SUNWgnome-games SUNWgnome-games-root SUNWgnome-games-share
yes | pkgrm SUNWj3dmo
yes | pkgrm SUNWj5dmo
yes | pkgrm SUNWjavaapps
yes | pkgrm SUNWjhdem
yes | pkgrm SUNWjiu8
# show category
pkginfo -l|grep CATEGORY|awk '{print $2}'|sort|uniq
# remove mozzila
yes | pkgrm -Y MOZ17
yes | pkgrm -Y OpenOfficeOrg
yes | pkgrm -Y FIREFOX
yes | pkgrm -Y GLOW
yes | pkgrm -Y THUNDERBIRD
yes | pkgrm -Y MUSCLE

# remove evolution
yes | pkgrm SUNWevolution SUNWevolution-devel SUNWevolution-devel-share SUNWevolution-exchange SUNWevolution-exchange-root SUNWevolution-exchange-share SUNWevolution-libs SUNWevolution-libs-devel SUNWevolution-libs-share SUNWevolution-root SUNWevolution-share SUNWevolution-socs-connect SUNWevolution-socs-connect-share 

# remove gnome programs
yes | pkgrm SUNWaspell SUNWaspell-devel SUNWaspell-en SUNWaspell-en-share SUNWaspell-share SUNWevince SUNWevince-devel SUNWevince-root SUNWgnome-a11y-gok SUNWgnome-a11y-gok-root SUNWgnome-a11y-gok-share SUNWgnome-a11y-reader SUNWgnome-a11y-reader-devel SUNWgnome-a11y-reader-root SUNWgnome-a11y-reader-share SUNWgnome-a11y-speech SUNWgnome-a11y-speech-devel SUNWgnome-a11y-speech-share SUNWgnome-archive-mgr SUNWgnome-archive-mgr-share SUNWgnome-archive-mgr-root SUNWgnome-audio SUNWgnome-audio-devel SUNWgnome-audio-devel-share SUNWgnome-audio-root SUNWgnome-audio-share SUNWgnome-calculator SUNWgnome-calculator-root SUNWgnome-calculator-share SUNWgnome-camera SUNWgnome-camera-devel SUNWgnome-camera-share SUNWgnome-cd SUNWgnome-cd-burner SUNWgnome-cd-burner-root SUNWgnome-cd-burner-share SUNWgnome-cd-root SUNWgnome-cd-share SUNWgnome-character-map SUNWgnome-character-map-share SUNWgnome-component SUNWgnome-component-devel-share SUNWgnome-component-root SUNWgnome-config SUNWgnome-config-devel SUNWgnome-config-devel-share SUNWgnome-config-editor-share SUNWgnome-config-editor SUNWgnome-config-root SUNWgnome-config-share SUNWgnome-desktop-prefs SUNWgnome-desktop-prefs-devel SUNWgnome-desktop-prefs-root SUNWgnome-desktop-prefs-share SUNWgnome-dialog SUNWgnome-dialog-share SUNWgnome-dictionary SUNWgnome-dictionary-root SUNWgnome-dictionary-share SUNWgnome-display-mgr SUNWgnome-display-mgr-root SUNWgnome-display-mgr-share SUNWgnome-dtlogin-integration SUNWgnome-file-mgr SUNWgnome-file-mgr-devel SUNWgnome-file-mgr-root SUNWgnome-file-mgr-share SUNWgnome-fonts SUNWgnome-freedb-libs SUNWgnome-freedb-libs-root SUNWgnome-freedb-libs-share SUNWgnome-fun-applets SUNWgnome-fun-applets-root SUNWgnome-fun-applets-share SUNWosdem SUNWsfwdemo

yes |pkgrm SUNWgnome-panel-devel SUNWgnome-component-devel SUNWgnome-spell SUNWgnome-panel SUNWgnome-vfs  SUNWgnome-perf-meter SUNWgnome-terminal SUNWgnome-utility-applets SUNWgnome-session SUNWgnome-wm SUNWtgnome-xagent SUNWgnome-mm-applets SUNWfsexam SUNWgnome-internet-applets SUNWgnome-intranet-applets SUNWgnome-pilot SUNWgnome-a11y-libs SUNWgnome-media-player SUNWtgnome-tsoljdsdevmgr SUNWtgnome-tstripe SUNWgnome-a11y-poke

yes | pkgrm SUNWgnome-internet-applets-root SUNWgnome-internet-applets-share SUNWgnome-intranet-applets-root SUNWgnome-intranet-applets-share SUNWgnome-mm-applets-root SUNWgnome-mm-applets-share SUNWgnome-print SUNWgnome-print-devel SUNWgnome-print-devel-share SUNWgnome-print-root SUNWgnome-print-share SUNWgnome-project SUNWgnome-project-devel SUNWgnome-project-devel-share SUNWgnome-project-share SUNWgnome-search-tool SUNWgnome-search-tool-root SUNWgnome-search-tool-share SUNWgnome-session-root SUNWgnome-session-share SUNWgnome-sound-recorder SUNWgnome-sound-recorder-root SUNWgnome-sound-recorder-share SUNWgnome-spell-share SUNWgnome-text-editor SUNWgnome-text-editor-devel SUNWgnome-text-editor-root SUNWgnome-text-editor-share SUNWgnome-themes SUNWgnome-themes-share SUNWgnome-ui-designer SUNWgnome-ui-designer-share SUNWgnome-user-docs SUNWgnome-utility-applets-root SUNWgnome-utility-applets-share SUNWgnome-vfs-devel SUNWgnome-vfs-devel-share SUNWgnome-vfs-root SUNWgnome-vfs-share SUNWtgnome-docs SUNWgnome-jdshelp

yes | pkgrm `pkginfo -L|grep gnome|egrep "themes|doc|vfs|design|applet|text\-edit|sound|search|session|print|spell|project"|xargs`|grep "package depends"

yes | pkgrm `pkginfo -L|grep gnome|egrep "terminal|wm\-|pilot|ps\-viewer|sys\-suspend|media|panel|img\-|im\-|hex\-"|xargs `

yes | pkgrm `pkginfo -L|grep gnome|egrep "pdf\-|help\-|a11y"|xargs `


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